Pregnancy - A Labour of Love!  For pregnant, birthing, and antenatal parents.

The universal right of passage of giving birth is unique and very special! Women are born with the knowledge of how to give birth, intuitively and instinctively – so why the anxiety? 

And what to do about it?

Rather than anticipate the labour process with anxiety or even fear, you and your partner can choose an alternative method to prepare for and welcome your baby into the world.

The Labour of Love course teaches the mother-to-be: - self-hypnosis, diaphragmatic breathing, and EFT techniques.  Used in complimentary combination they will enable her to have the confidence to anticipate a more relaxed enjoyable experience.  To give her the firm knowledge of what her body and mind needs to do in order to work calmly.  By focusing in to her body, to totally concentrate on the transitions she and her baby are going through, thereby excluding outside unnecessary interruptions such as panic, fear, loss of control, prolonged labour.  Gently learn how to become empowered. To remain calm, relaxed and in control throughout your pregnancy, birthing process and beyond.

The father-to-be/birthing partner plays a vital role during the labour process.  He/She is given the resources and tools to guide you and support you with confidence and knowledge.  This course effectively empowers them  to be very much a partner in the birth of their child and guardian of your wishes and birth plan. 

Labour of Love classes include a perfectly balanced combination of Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping), and Tibetan Reiki.  Classes are backed up with relevant information contained in a folder – your Birth Bible – to review course content whenever you want.

  •   Course designed around you

  •   Full coaching and support by Linda Gillatt    

  •   Course work and information provided and collected in a personal folder 

  •  Hypnotherapy CD to assist you in practising and using in your labour   

The course of 5 sessions of approximately 60 - 90 minute duration each, can be taken in the  evenings or daytime. The total cost of The Labour of Love programme is £300 per couple.

If as a host participant you include one other or more couples into sessions – a discount will be given to you.  Please enquire if you’re interested in doing this

The Labour of Love course featured in Ask Baby Cotswold.

The Labour of Love course does not exclude medical intervention - rather it prepares you for the birth you want.